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Mobile Facebook users drive most visits to JustGiving

Howard Lake | 9 September 2013 | News

The largest source of traffic to online giving site JustGiving now comes from people using Facebook on their mobile phones or tablets. In addition, very nearly half (48%) of all traffic to the site is now coming from smartphone and mobile devices.

The figures were revealed by JustGiving Product Manager Jonathan Waddingham at the Institute of Fundraising's Digital Conference today. He commented that Facebook's mobile site now generates 17% of visits to JustGiving.

He said: "Social today means mobile, as today’s donors are much more likely to be browsing and sharing with their networks on smartphone and tablet devices. ‘Social + mobile’ users are making a genuine impact for thousands of causes by donating to charities they’ve seen on social media on their phones, giving wherever and whenever generosity strikes."


Why your supporters are wealthier than you think... Course by Catherine Miles. Background photo of two sides of a terraced street of houses.

JustGiving urged charities to ensure that their communications were designed to be accessed and used easily by the ‘social + mobile’ generation. The company has found that mobile users are twice as likely to share their donation than desktop users, adding reach and" bringing in on average £5 in further gifts for each share".

You can see Jonathan Waddingham's presentation here:

Mobile & social – why your phone is your new BFF by @justgiving from JustGiving


